Corpora annotati

Giulia Giunta


Giulia Giunta is a PhD candidate in the PhD joint programme in Linguistica (Linguistics)
from Roma Tre University and Sapienza – Rome University. Her doctoral research focuses
on the bond between information packaging and attention in first language acquisition.
She holds a MA in Linguistica (Linguistics) from Sapienza – Rome University and a MA in
Italianistica (Modern Philology) from the University of Pisa. She also holds a BA in Lettere
Moderne (Humanities) from the University of Pisa. Her main research interests are
theoretical pragmatics, experimental pragmatics, acquisition of Information Structure,
implicit communication, psycholinguistics, political discourse analysis. In 2020, she took
part in the research project “IMPAQTS” funded by the Italian Ministry of Education,
University and Research. In 2021, she started to collaborate in the project “OLiNDiNUM”.