Roma, 27-28 April 2023
Teams link to follow the conference
Thursday, April 27 – Theoretical and experimental perspectives on implicitness and implicit manipulation
8.45-9.00 Welcome address
9.00-10.50 FIRST SESSION
9.00-9.30 Anne Reboul Informativeness, manipulation and deception
9.30-10.00 Jacques Jayez (Innocent?) Bias inside language
10.00-10.30 Sandrine Sorlin How to do things with… implicitness
10.30-10.50 Discussion
10.50-11.10 Coffee break
11.10-13.00 SECOND SESSION
11.10-11.40 Angela Ferrari Présupposition et architecture du texte écrit. De la pragmatique à la textualité et de la textualité à la pragmatique
11.40-12.10 Jacopo Romoli Implicating in semi-cooperative contexts
12.10-12.40 Louis de Saussure Expressivity and emotions as creators of a shared experiential common ground
12.40-13.00 Discussion
13.00-14.30 Light Lunch
14.30-16.20 THIRD SESSION
14.30-15.00 Fabrizio Macagno The varieties of implicit manipulation
15.00-15.30 Juliane Schröter What can be implicit in an argument?
15.30-16.00 Steve Oswald Two rhetorical effects of insinuation: an experimental account
16.00-16.20 Discussion
16.20-16.40 Coffee break
16.40-19.00 FOURTH SESSION
16.40-17.10 Florian Schwarz Social Identity and Imprecise Numerals
17.10-17.40 Francesca Delogu The influence of information packaging on the perceived credibility of controversial statements
17.40-18.10 Diana Mazzarella Watch what you say (and how you say it)! Pragmatic meanings and speaker accountability
18.10-18.40 Nausicaa Pouscoulous Investigating false implicatures
18.40-19.00 Discussion
20.30 Social dinner
Friday, April 28 – Implicitness / Implicit Manipulation in Public Discourse
9.00-9.30 Paola Pietrandrea Social media and the transformation of public communication and private interaction.
9.30-10.00 Anita Fetzer “It’s a very good thing to bring democracy erm directly to everybody at home”: Meaning-making processes and discursive action in mediated political discourse
10.00-10.30 Dawn Archer ‘When you report fake news which CNN does a lot you are the enemy of the people’: Trump’s attempts to influence/manipulate audience members’ reality paradigms
10.30-11.00 Katarzyna Budzyńska, Yana Sviatsilnikava Data analytics: uncovering patterns and trends in public discourse
11.00-11.20 Discussion
11.20-11.40 Coffee break
11.40-13.30 SIXTH SESSION
11.40-12.10 Sofie Decock, Ilse Depraetere (In)directness in complaints: from customer service to political discourse
12.10-12.40 Jacqueline Visconti, Giulia Lombardi Linguistic implicit strategies in Italian counsel proceedings
12.40-13.10 Margarita Borreguero Zuloaga Types and functions of rhetorical questions in political discourse: From speech to social networks
13.10-13.30 Discussion
13.30-15.00 Light Lunch
15.00-15.30 Anna-Maria De Cesare Presupposition triggers with exhaustive meaning: Spotting their (manipulative) functions in automated persuasive texts
15.30-16.00 Davide Garassino Measuring implicit meaning. Some tentative proposals for a corpus-based pragmatics
16.00-16.30 Edoardo Lombardi Vallauri, Laura Baranzini, Doriana Cimmino, Federica Cominetti, Claudia Coppola, Norma De Marco, Giulia Giunta, Giorgia Mannaioli, Viviana Masia The IMPAQTS project. Achievements, results and future perspectives
16.30-17.10 Final discussion
17.10 Conclusion